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I am pleased to write this letter for my former student Miss Nan Li, who graduated from this College with an L.B. degree in June 1978. Miss Li was admitted to the Department of Law of this College in 1974 through highly competitive entrance examination which is conducted annually and is open to the whole nation. Even in such a selective group. Miss Li made herself distinguished. As professor and dean of the College, I have access to her records of academic work and moral conduct, In her fourth year study, I instructed her in Anglo-American Laws on Trespass. So I have known her quite well. Miss Li's performance, like that in many other courses she taken, was excellent with a superior grade of 86 for the first semester, and 84 for the second semester. In our university and in other university here, 80 is considered 'A' , the highest level. As far as I know, Miss Li wishes to continue her study in Law for an advanced degree. I am sure she has had sufficient prerequisite knowledge for the subject and certainly has the ability to undertake the study. I recommend Miss Li without reservation and shall appreciate your favorable consideration of her application. 其他的例子: University of International Business and Economics Beijing 100029, P. R. China Sept. 28, 1998 Dear colleagues: 珊珊女士毕业于本校国际商务管理系,现推荐她进入贵校的MBA项目学习。 从1990年开始,我就知道单女士是一个足智多谋、目标明确的人,当时她参加了我的一次讲座,她提出了一些敏锐而富有挑战性的问题。虽然她没有正式上过我的课,但她经常向我咨询她在学习中遇到的问题。因此我很了解她。我强烈地感觉到,单女士不同寻常的天赋和能力将使她在高质量的MBA教育中受益匪浅,这将成为她职业生涯的重要推动力。 在这所大学期间,单女士是一名优秀的学生,她的各科成绩都很出色,表现出很大的潜力。她的总GPA在全班40名学生中名列前三。但单霁翔并不是一个专为考试而读书的书呆子。她广泛阅读专业以外的书籍,尤其是商法、市场营销、金融和新闻,这些似乎都令她着迷。由于认识到她的智力优势,系里在她毕业的时候提出,不通过通常的强制性考试,接受她为毕业生。然而,她拒绝了这个提议。作为一个高度独立的女性,她已经有了自己的日程安排。她想先获得实际的管理经验,然后在贵国攻读工商管理硕士学位。显然,她的决定是正确的,因为她已经成为我们学校最成功的毕业生之一。 Ms. Shan is good at communicating in both oral and written English. Some of he most important undergraduate courses were taught by American professors, many of whom considered her oral English as native and her written English as standard. I am sure that she has since improved her English a lot more in her professional life. In Ms. Shan, we all saw an optimistic and easy-going character. With highly unusual determination, she is not to be daunted by any difficulties. She believes that, with hard work, she can achieve anything she wants. I think her confidence in herself is well grounded in her track record, especially when considering the fact that she entered into this university as the daughter of a most impoverished family, but graduated as a top student. Judging by what I know of her, I think Ms. Shan is fully qualified to pursue an MBA degree in your program. I therefore recommend her with enthusiasm. And I shall greatly appreciate if you can favorably consider her application for admission and financial aid. Yours sincerely
