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  3. network是什么意思 network翻译读音用法翻译

network是什么意思 network翻译读音用法翻译

简介:关于network是什么意思 network翻译读音用法翻译的相关疑问,相信很多朋友对此并不是非常清楚,为了帮助大家了解相关知识要点,小编为大家整理出如下讲解内容,希望下面的内容对大家有帮助!




  an interconnected system of things or people;

  "he owned a network of shops"

  "retirement meant dropping out of a whole network of people who had been part of my life"

  "tangled in a web of cloth"

  (broadcasting)a communication system consisting of a group of broadcasting stations that all transmit the same programs;

  "the networks compete to broadcast important sports events"

  an open fabric of string or rope or wire woven together at regular intervals

  a system of intersecting lines or channels;

  "a railroad network"

  "a network of canals"

  (electronics)a system of interconnected electronic components or circuits


  communicate with and within a group;

  "You have to network if you want to get a good job"


  cabinetwork n.细木工;

  networking n.网络化;[计]网络系统;人际网;



  network administrator[计]网络管理员;

  transformer network变压器网络;

  news network新闻传输网;

  remittance network通汇网;

  master network总网图;

  analog network模拟网络;

  network geometry网络几何;

  molecular network分子网络;

  branch network分支机构网;

  cable network电缆网;

  satellite network卫星网络;

  filter network滤波电路[网络];

  sampling network取样网;

  network matching网络匹配;

  immunological network免疫网络;

  stabilization network稳定网络;

  interruption network[计]中断网络;

  pipeline network管路网络;

  teletype network[计]电传网络;

本文主要介绍了关于network是什么意思 network翻译读音用法翻译的相关养殖或种植技术,招生教育栏目还介绍了该行业生产经营方式及经营管理,关注招生教育发展动向,注重系统性、科学性、实用性和先进性,内容全面新颖、重点突出、通俗易懂,全面给您讲解招生教育技术怎么管理的要点,是您招生教育致富的点金石。