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have the face为什么不是翻译为有脸?

face 脸,常用词。

I have a face. 我有一张脸。

注意,face 前加上定冠词 the 就要小心了。

have the face 厚颜无耻,恬不知耻(俚语,慎用) 当然,face 出现频率最高的时候是用作 Facebook 脸书。

那么,和face 一起组成的短语还有那一些呢?中国人讲,丢面子,挽回面子,英语里面有没有呢?请耐心往下看,标有“口语”,“非正式”标记的不要用于书面语。

n. v.搭配face 1 n. [C] S1 W1 / feɪs ; fes /英 / feɪs /1 FRONT OF YOUR HEAD 头部的正面the front part of your head, where your eyes, nose, and mouth are 脸,面部She had a beautiful face.她面容秀美。

Her face was white with fear.她吓得脸煞白。

A big smile spread across his face.他的脸上绽开了灿烂笑容。

I felt like punching him in the face.我真想给他脸上来一拳。

常见错误 You say that something is on sb’s face, not ‘in sb’s face’. 表示“某物在某人脸上”时用on,不用in: You’ve got a mark on your face. 你脸上有块污渍。

2 expression 表情an expression on someone’s face 面部表情;脸色I’ll never forget my father’s face – I’d never seen him so upset before.我永远也忘不了父亲的表情——我以前从没见他那么难过。

3 keep a straight faceto not laugh or smile, even though something is funny 绷着脸忍住不笑4 pale-faced/round-faced etchaving a face that has a particular colour or shape 脸色苍白的/脸圆圆的等a pale-faced youth脸色苍白的年轻人→ red-faced5 grim-faced/serious-faced etcshowing a particular expression on your face 表情严峻的/严肃的等Negotiators emerged grim-faced after the day’s talks.经过一天的谈判之后,谈判代表们表情严峻地走了出来。

→ barefaced , po-faced , poker-faced , stony-face6 PERSON 人a person 人Gordon is a familiar face (= someone who you know or have seen many times before ) at the Shrewsbury Flower Show.戈登是什鲁斯伯里花展上的老面孔了。

It’s the same old faces (= people who you see often, especially too often ) at our meetings every week.我们每周开会都是那几张老面孔。

She looked around at the sea of faces (= lots of people seen together ) in the cafeteria.她环顾餐厅里的一张张面孔。

new/different face (= someone who you have not seen before) 新面孔There are a few new faces in class this year.今年班上来了几个新面孔。

famous/well-known face (= someone who is famous from television, magazines, films etc) 名人7 face to face1) if two people are standing face to face, they are very close and are looking at each other 面对面地The two men stood face to face without a word.那两个人面对面站着,一言不发。

meet sb/talk to sb/explain sth etc face to face (= to meet someone and talk to them, instead of just hearing about them, talking to them on the phone etc) 当面见某人/与某人说话/解释某事等I’ve never met her face to face.我从来没有跟她见过面。

‘You could have just phoned.’ ‘I wanted to explain things face to face.’“你打个电话就可以嘛。


”come face to face/find yourself face to face (with sb) (= to meet someone, especially in a way that surprises or frightens you) 迎面碰上(某人)〔尤指感到吃惊或害怕〕At that moment he came face to face with Sergeant Burke.就在那时,他迎面碰上了伯克中士。

2) if you come face to face with something difficult, you experience it and have to deal with it 面对,面临〔困难〕→ face-to-faceIt was the first time he’d ever come face to face with death.这是他第一次直面死亡.bring sb face to face with sthSometimes one is brought face to face with facts which cannot be ignored.有时人得面对一些不能忽视的事实。

8 say sth/tell sb sth to their faceif you say something unpleasant to someone’s face, you say it to them directly, rather than to other people 当面说某事/告诉某人某事I told him to his face just what I thought of him.我当面告诉了他我对他的看法。

9 face down/downwardswith the face or front towards the ground 脸朝下,面朝下Keith was lying face down on the bed.基思趴在床上。

8 face up/upwardswith the face or front towards the sky 脸朝上,面朝上The body was lying face up in the rain.尸体仰面躺在雨中。

11 in the face of sthin a situation where there are many problems, difficulties, or dangers 面对某事物〔指问题、困难、危险〕It is amazing how Daniels has survived in the face of such strong opposition from within the party.丹尼尔斯面对党内那么强烈的反对还是挺了过来,真不简单。

9 on the face of itused to say that something seems true but that you think there may be other facts about it which are not yet clear 从表面上看It looks, on the face of it, like a minor change in the regulations.从表面上看,这好像是规章制度上的一个小小改动。

On the face of it, his suggestion makes sense.从表面上看,他的建议合乎情理。

10 lose faceif you lose face, you do something which makes you seem weak, stupid etc, and which makes people respect you less 丢脸,失面子He doesn’t want to back down (= accept defeat in an argument ) and risk losing face.他不想认输失面子。

11 save faceif you do something to save face, you do it so that people will not lose their respect for you 保全面子Both countries saved face with the compromise.有了这个妥协方案,两个国家都保全了面子。

12 disappear/vanish from/off the face of the earthused to say that you have no idea where someone is and have not seen them in a very long time 从地球上消失〔用于表示不知道某人在哪里,长久没有见到他们〕I haven’t seen Paul in ages; he seems to have vanished off the face of the earth.我很久没见到保罗了,他好像已经从地球上消失了。

13 on the face of the earthused when you are emphasizing a statement to mean ‘in the whole world’ 天底下,世界上〔用于强调〕If she was the last woman on the face of the earth, I still wouldn’t be interested!就算天底下只剩她一个女人,我也不感兴趣!14 sb’s face doesn’t fitused to say that someone will not get or keep a particular job because they are not the kind of person that the employer wants 某人不合适〔某一职位〕15 set your face against sthto be very determined that something should not happen especially BrE 坚决反对某事 【尤英】The local Labour Party has set its face against the scheme.当地的工党坚决反对这个计划。

16 in your facebehaviour, criticisms, remarks etc that are in your face are very direct and often shocking or surprising spoken informal 〔行为、批评、评论等〕当面的,直截了当的,不留情面的 【口,非正式】Bingham has a very ‘in your face’ writing style.宾厄姆文笔非常犀利。

17 get in sb’s faceif someone gets in your face, they really annoy you spoken informal 惹某人生气 【口,非正式】27 get out of my faceused to tell someone in an impolite way to go away because they are annoying you spoken informal 滚开 【口,非正式】18 what’s his face/what’s her faceused as a way of talking about someone when you cannot remember their name spoken informal 那个叫什么名字的人 【口,非正式】I saw old what’s his face in school yesterday.我昨天在学校里见到了那个老什么来着。

19 put your face onto put make-up on informal 化妆 【非正式】I just need to run upstairs and put my face on.我得上楼去化一下妆。
